Peppermint Essential Oil
Few aromas are more refreshing than peppermint, but it's far more than just a breath-freshener. In fact, peppermint essential oil is a powerful anti-pain remedy, effectively shutting off pain signals to the brain caused by aches, injuries, and even chronic conditions. This property also makes peppermint oil perfect for your anti-itch needs, which can give inflamed or irritated skin a chance to heal.
Peppermint also has the power to aid digestive issues like nausea and abdominal cramps while simultaneously invigorating the mind. When used as an aromatic, it can also help break up mucus in your bronchial tubes and lungs while killing the germs causing the congestion.
- Properties:
- Organic Alternative?
- History/Fun Fact: Peppermint is indigenous to Europe. A hybrid of watermint and spearmint, peppermint has naturalized itself across the globe, spanning from the United States to Australia to India. India accounts for over 75% of the world’s production. Because it naturally contains high levels of menthol and menthone, peppermint oil is used widely in the manufacture of many products including shampoo, soap, deodorants, toothpaste, chewing gum, candy, and tea.
- Blends Well With: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and .
- Safety and contraindications: Inhalation and application of peppermint oil on the skin can cause a skin reaction. Use caution when using with the elderly and always dilute with a . It should not be used anywhere near the eye area or any mucous membranes as it can burn. NEVER apply neat (undiluted) to the skin. It should never be used in the first trimester of pregnancy, or when breastfeeding. We recommend a maximum dilution of 5% for topical applications.
- Child Safety: Not safe for children. Do not apply on or near the face of infants and children.
Peppermint Essential Oil Purity Test Results
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